GPA Calculator Worksheet

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The GPA calculator generates projected GPA values based on expected grades in each course. In order to complete this worksheet, you may need to access some of your information on your academic record. You can do this by referencing either your unofficial transcript or your my progress degree audit on

The Projected Cumulative GPA will be displayed based on the input provided. Please note this tool was designed to assist students with calculating their GPA and is not tied to the Berklee Online student records system. The results are not official and are based only on the data you provide.

Upon completing this worksheet, you can elect to email a PDF version to yourself by clicking the "email" button. Alternatively, you can save this worksheet either in progress or completed by clicking "Save my progress and resume late" check box at the top of the form. This will be asked to enter your email address and to create a password that will allow you to login, access, and edit your form.

Helpful Tips:
  • Ungraded courses: coursework completed at Berklee Online for non-credit, transferred from external institutions or through credit-bearing exams, or awarded through the Prior Learning Credit process do NOT factor into your Cumulative GPA and can be omitted from this worksheet
  • Retaken or withdrawn courses: if you withdrew from a course, it does not impact your GPA and can be omitted from this worksheet. If you retook a course, only input the record of the course with the highest grade (e.g. if you took OLART-100: Developing Your Artistry and received a "C" and then you retook it and received an "A" only input the "A")
  • In-major GPA for undergraduate students: to be eligible to graduate from the bachelor's program, students need to have an in-major GPA of 2.7. To calculate your in-major GPA only input those courses required specifically for your program (those courses listed under the "Concentrate" section of your my progress degree audit.)
  • Coursework in "Other Course" not applying to degree requirements: coursework that is not applying to your degree requirements (listed under "Other Course" at the conclusion of your my progress screen) should be included in this worksheet provided the course was taken for credit, graded, and not repeated.

e.g. OLMSC-101 or Course 1
e.g. 3.0