Berklee Summer Programs Withdrawal Form
Student First Name:
Student Last Name:
Email Address:
Student ID:
Please list the Summer Program(s) from which you are requesting to withdraw:
Reason for withdrawal:
Please select...
Schedule Conflict
Chose Other Berklee Program
No Longer Interested
Extraordinary Life Circumstances
Unable to Obtain US Visa
By checking each box below you acknowledge that you are the student listed on this form, are requesting withdrawal from the indicated program, and agree to each of the statements below.
I understand that upon submission of this form, my space in the program(s) indicated above will be released. I further acknowledge that Berklee may not be able to honor a request to re-enroll if registration has been closed.
I understand the
Enrollment, Withdrawal and Refund Policies
set forth by Berklee Summer Programs apply.
Please contact the Summer Programs Advising Team at or 617-747-2245 for any questions related to completion of this form.
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